living from night to night

these stripped down winter willows

reveal nests abandoned in withered crotches

reveal absence

even as our eyes try to fill each voided space


we peer into summer snapshots

struggling to find frameworks

beneath the green of something

impossible to place

something unremembered

now disclosed unearthed unleafed


we are hunting wood to burn

seeking that beat for the home’s heart


daily ritual of paper and kindling

the struck match (how many left)

sinking into ancient posture

we squat to watch flames form and rise

to hear the crackle of tender realignments


this hearth speaks of the wit of axes

of the variousness of trees

of burning and curling


low bass notes of danger too

all those ashen images of hot panic

homesteads blistering ablaze

cars baited by encircling firewalls


now the blackened ragged chimney

snags each blaze-soar

inhales each smoke-swathe

and coughs into night’s ink-lake


we read the glows and slow flickers

the spark-darts and quick tongues

tonight we know warmth

tomorrow we will search again





Ted Eames, 2019