Male Delivers the Daily Derek

he’s done it again today

serial fear-monger

                                serial killjoy

in his oatmeal slacks

                                   his garden centre loafers

                                                                               his magnolia bonhomie

and his inner inferno of denied rage

the fawn-shirted bastard

mum and dad are vulnerable adults

conditioned by racists and sexists before them

dedicated to conditioning me and my sister in their turn

forelock-tugging tories with fuck-me orifices bared to the boss

and now in their dotage here comes derek

                                                                           in his amazing head of beige hair

stuffing newspapers through letterboxes after the fake kindness of a newsagent run

every bloody day of every print-wrecked week with not even a day of respite on Supplement days

when he has the naked nerve to knock and suckle

from wallets and purses

                                          with unctuous slobber

leave mum and dad alone you bastard

enough with this drip-feed poison

the veins are standing out on their poor perinea

i’ve a good mind to board up their helpless letter-box

where you get your daily male thrill

                                                               from shoving your venereal column

between those bristly nylon draught-excluding but not shaft-excluding clefts

stay in your own little ecru flatlet derek

buy what paper you like

                                         but leave mum and dad alone

                                                                                              i’m warning you


Ted Eames, 2019