refugees ‘r us
i am not a refugee
but my mother and my father were refugees
i am not a refugee and my mother and father were not refugees
but my grandmother and my grandfather were refugees
i am not a refugee and my mother and father and my grandmother and grandfather were not refugees
but my great-grandmother and my great-grandfather were refugees
i am not a refugee and my mother and father and my grandmother and grandfather and my great-grandmother and great-grandfather were not refugees
but my great-great-grandmother and my great-great-grandfather were refugees
how much further shall i peel back the layers of this onion
this tight-packed ball of many skeins of skin
how many more great-greats will pitch me back
into those wars those aridities those deluges those freezings
those seekings that drove my people-roots
my kin
my us
restless for a reason
i move therefore i am
Ted Eames, 2019