Here is the short film and poem made for the Encounters exhibition with brilliant video artist Jill Impey.
The text of the voiceover poem is below the video.
This Primeval Infant Earth
From the shore’s foredune of dawn
to the ridgeline’s afterflare of dusk
new nebulae coalesce –
star nurseries nourished by submarine volcanoes,
dark lava beaches wave-washed in saltwater.
This terra firma shapeshifts in tectonic time,
ebbflowing from solstice to equinox and back again –
some ancient child, some indifferent trickster
lives within this buddha bardo –
pregnating space between spaces
in ripples conjoined but not together,
veiled in cloud droplets from hot spring heat,
cupped tide-pool calderas of bubbling fecundity
at this subliminal androgynous crossroads.
The temporary is made permanent by repetition –
repetition of pattern embedded in turbulence,
from the geometry of each singing sand grain
to the sulphur vapour droplets on misted moss:
earth, water, fire, and air learn to walk and to play,
to sump consolation from deep time’s reminders.
Ted Eames, 2019
Ted x